Discover Essential Tools to Take your Business Viral

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 UpViral is the ultimate Viral Referral Marketing platform that allows marketers to run campaigns like sweepstakes, rewards, and waiting lists that people will want to share with their peers. Once you’ve set up your first campaign, you’ll experience the true power of word-of-mouth.

Once you master the power of viral traffic, you will never worry about money again

Create Different types of viral campaigns
Create different types of viral campaigns in a few clicks – milestone campaign, waitlist, double loop, sweepstakes, etc

Set up Viral loop
Allow people who subscribe to invite their friends, who in turn invite their own friends, and so on.

Different types of rewards

Setup different types of rewards to encourage people to share your message: URLs for secret content, Downloadable files for e-books or software downloads, Coupon codes for e-com stores, etc

Customizable Actions

Setup custom actions and reward users for taking them. You can use this to grow virtually any part of your business. You can set custom actions for anything: Join Facebook Group, Download App, etc. You can also setup custom questions to verify that participants actually performed the action before earning the points.

Point Tracking System

Automated point system that monitors and assigns defined points to your subscribers when they take actions, e.g 2 points when they share on facebook, 2 points for sharing on LinkedIn, etc. We actually use the API to verify if the share was actually done on Facebook, for example, before rewarding the points.

Milestones Rewards
When people take specific actions or reach a specific number of points (milestone), they instantly win the corresponding giveaway.

In-built Reward Delivery System

Setup automated emails to deliver the rewards to your participants once they meet a predefined milestone.

Inbuilt Funnel Page builder

Use the inbuilt revolutionary drag-and-drop page builder to create beautiful and high landing pages and thank-you pages for your lead funnel.The page builder is very powerful and easy to use.

Drag-and-drop sections

Forget buggy templates. Build from the ground up in minutes by dragging and dropping beautiful sections to the canvas. These sections are all done for you by professional designers and proven to convert.

2 step optin process

Setup optin boxes or 2 step optin process which gets micro commitments from your user so you can double your optin rate using the Zeigarnik effect – a psychological phenomenon that makes people always want to complete what they started 

Use timers to create urgency

Add urgency to your lead funnels using our timers. (Both evergreen and countdown timers. You can also set what action to perform after the countdown timer expires e.g reset the timer)

Create Exit intent popups

Our exit-intent technology is a behavioural hack that lets you convert abandoning landing page visitors into subscribers and customers. When you consider that 70% of your visitors are going to leave and never come back, it’s vital that you try to capture them before they go. is a premier Instagram partner, designing official tools for messaging automation on Instagram!’s mission isn’t to become some massive corporate machine. We want to stay nimble, personal, and interactive.

That’s why we’ve chosen to take our marketing (if you can call it that) to the streets.

Marketing is a natural human tendency—the instinctive “let me tell you about something that’s helpful”—that has been going on for millennia. The best marketing tool ever is “word-of-mouth.”.

We want to tap into that instinctive drive and use word of mouth as our primary engine of growth as a way to inspire a movement.

Word-of-mouth has always been the most effective method of advertising. Person A trusts Person B. Person A takes Person B’s recommendation.

We don’t see that changing anytime soon, so we’re inviting you to spread the word, share the news, and, hey, make a decent income while you’re doing it!

Social Media Marketing for Viral Content

  • Find, Create & Share your content for MASSIVE Traffic, Engagement & Sales
  • Make your content go WILDLY viral in just 60 seconds
  • Built in library of stunning videos, images and multimedia assets
  • Automate & grow your business without paid ads!
  • Drive UNLIMITED free traffic to your sites, blogs, products & services
21 social media marketing channels from one dashboard