$3,000, $30,000, or $3,000,000 Per month

Experts say an additional $300 Per Month could prevent many homeless families.

Losing income is the No. 1 reason Californians end up homeless, and the vast majority of them say a subsidy of as little as $300 a month could have kept them off the streets.

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Read the 30-second message below

After you subtract out your sleeping time, commuting time, working time, and all your daily responsibilities, most people only have 1-2 hours per day to do the things they really like, and they don’t always have the money to do it.

Do you agree with the statement above?

Well, we have discovered a way for you to “create an extra income stream and own your life” by building a virtual online business, and we have a simple system that anyone can use.

It doesn’t require selling, and it doesn’t take up much time!

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