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Episode #11: How a Viral Funnel Helped a Business Owner Generate $300k in Sales on His Very First Attempt, and $1.5 Million on his Second

In this episode, you’ll learn how to exploit the unique marketing loophole Dropbox, Uber & Airbnb use for explosive growth and the three simple steps it takes to add this untapped revenue-generating strategy to your business 👇

I’d rather let our clients and reviews do the talking…

Joe Di Siena:‘UpViral generated 230,669 leads and produced more than half-a-million dollars in sales!’

Michael Cooch:‘UpViral has proven to be the simple, effective and affordable viral contest app we were looking for. It helped us build a responsive 30,000+ list in a new market.’

Terry Mitchell:‘UpViral generated over 92 thousand leads. These are high-quality leads that turn into shoppers. I know because my list accounts for over 26.5% of my sales, it used to be only 9.5%!’

Gisèle Rebel:‘I used UpViral to launch a brand new Ecom store from scratch with zero customers and zero leads. After my first campaign, I generated 2 thousand leads and brought in over $8000 dollars in profits.’

I’m proud to say that UpViral has over 104+ reviews on Capterra with an average star rating of 4.9 out of 5  

Case Studies

Virginia Sanders the people who achieved these incredible results with UpViral are no different than you.

They simply believed that viral marketing could work for them… and committed to follow the same system I’ve been sharing with you over the past few days.

Need even more proof UpViral will work for you? Get ready to be inspired!

Log into UpViral now and check out 
+15 other in-depth case studies inside the Learning Center.