There’s No Easier Way to Get Seen For Less

Getting your message in front of thousands of readers is no simple task. BrandRush provides the perfect platform for your message to be seen by thousands.

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BrandRush is a quick viral technique that you can use to boost your leads and sales so you can make a quick profit.

One of the most important aspects of marketing is getting eyes on your offers. Otherwise, you will not earn money. We discovered a unique website called BrandRush that will distribute your article to 100 major newsite associates.

In the past, marketers used a marketing strategy called Bum Marketing that permitted marketers to write articles and submit them to article directories.

These articles linked back to their site. This was a simple process that made it possible to get traffic almost for free.

Unfortunately, many of the major article sites, i.e., EzineArticles, are no longer in business. There are very few places to get the kind of exposure that Bum Marketing offers struggling marketers.

Now, BrandPush allows the marketer to get full control over their own traffic source and drive tons of traffic to the site of their choice.

Brand Rush takes a lot of the guesswork out of your marketing. To get your site seen quickly and to establish backlinks, start by sending your article, announcing your new site or new features, to a broad range of new customers from over 100 authority news sites.

Brand Rush will publish your article on 100 major news sites.

Brand Rush will publish your article on over 100 authority news sites across their network, with guaranteed publishing to affiliates of NBC, FOX, CBS, and ABC.For proof of getting featured, you’ll receive a PDF report of all live URLs to your article.

Some of these websites get over 10 million visitors per month. This makes getting published on our network a great way to improve your brand visibility, gain hundreds of back links to your website (for SEO), and earn massive trust with your customers.

Get Massive Social Proof

 Leverage the Power of Social Proof to Boost Conversions

You can also use social proof to increase the number of people who submit their email addresses on a squeeze page.

For instance, you can show other users who subscribed to your email list. This makes other visitors more comfortable and helps build trust.

Social Media Marketing for SEO
Social media marketing.

Great for SEO

Free Leads

The BrandPush syndication service distributes original (new) content. Your article is distributed to a new audience of thousands of viewers. We recommend that you include a clear call to action (CTA) with a link back to your site for additional referral traffic!

Continuous Leads for Your Business Click Here for More information

Global NPN has a built-in autoresponder that you can use to collect the leads you receive from your BrandRush syndication. Along with an impressive suite of tools, Global NPN gives you another way to build a reliable traffic source. This Program Helps you Build Your Email List

global non as your all in one autoresponder

You will need a reliable place to send your new traffic. Global NPN offers many additional features for online marketers, including 50–100 leads added to your autoresponder monthly. A brand new AI Chat program will provide you all the content you will need. Click here for More Information