Don’t take my word for it either. Check out these results from business owners just like you…

Daniela Testimonial Square Photo

Joe Di Siena generated 230,669 leads and produced more than half-a-million dollars in sales!

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Rodrigo Testimonial Square Photo

Gabe Schillinger did over $200,000 in sales and 42,000 leads!

Nina Testimonial Square Photo

Silvia’s campaign generated 2395 direct leads and 2934 referral leads.

Shawn Testimonial Square Photo

With a 30-day UpViral campaign Horatiu Manea generated 3000 highly-motivated leads to their email list (2324 direct leads and 658 referred leads). Even more impressive, those 3000 leads lead to sales of $150,000 over the course of a year.

Shawn Testimonial Square Photo

Through an UpViral campaign that lasted only 4 weeks, Sébastien Godin collected over 4,500 new subscribers plus $4,775 in sales.

Shawn Testimonial Square Photo

Leading Saints’ UpViral campaigns score $250,000 in donations and 30,000 leads (and the numbers just keep climbing.)

Shawn Testimonial Square Photo

G4 Educaçao’s 1st UpViral campaign generated over 60,000 leads and $1.5 million in sales.

Sebastien Testimonial Square Photo

David Fraser generated 103,000 leads and did approximately 900k in sales. Plus, he used the same method again in a different market and generated 85k leads which translated into about 680k sales.

Bruno Testimonial Square Photo

With a 14-day UpViral giveaway campaign Niek Theeboom generated 30,791 leads for Bataleon and created an additional $34,000 in revenue within 60 days of closing the campaign.

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Amiel Riss generated over 7900 leads to date. 59% of those leads came from referrals, which is remarkable.

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Tickets for Good, added 2300 new subscribers and 900 Facebook group members with a single 14-day UpViral campaign. After running multiple campaigns, Tickets for Good have collected over 13,330 new leads with UpViral.

Tasha Testimonial Square Photo

Tasha Mayberry generated 6,000 fresh leads and boosts sales by 20%.

Tasha Testimonial Square Photo

Lesna generate more than 116,474 leads through contest and giveaway campaigns.

Here are my two promises to you…

Promise No. 1 -You can try out the ebook at no risk at all.

If it doesn’t live up to your expectations, just send us one email and I’ll refund every penny.

No questions asked.

Promise No. 2 – You gain a ROI or you don’t pay.

Implement the strategies outlined and if you don’t generate a positive ROI in just 30 days, send me 1 email and I’ll refund every penny.

That way, this is not an expense.

It’s an investment.

Before I go, let me ask you…

Can you honestly continue leaving leads and sales on the table by not utilizing the
Viral Referral Method™ to its fullest?

Because here’s the thing…

If you don’t know this stuff, you are leaving money on the table.

I don’t just mean money on the table JUST today either…

By not knowing this stuff, you’re literally short-changing yourself over the next 6 weeks, 6 months, and years to come.

Why am I confident this is true?

Because I’m going to reveal how to generate 30-100% more leads than you’re getting right now.

Imagine getting that many more leads for every campaign you run.

Think about how many extra sales you will generate.

But, you can’t delay on this!

This is a one-time offer because you’ve been an action-taker and signed up for UpViral.

All you need to do is click below to grab the eBook for just $27 (it’s an instant download, so no need to wait around for shipping). 

Or, you can opt for the audio version for $37 (which also includes the ebook as well). 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to discover the EXACT roadmap that separates our top 1% of UpViral customers and the rest!